Optenni Lab Enables Faster Tablet and Smartphone Antenna Design at Convergentia

Convergentia uses Optenni Lab’s multiport matching solutions and synthesis routines to spped up their tablet and smartphone antenna design flow.

The Design Task

Convergentia team develops antenna solutions to a wide scale of devices, from tiny bluetooth headsets to complex LTE antenna systems used in smartphones and tablets. One of the trickiest design tasks is to integrate multiple antennas with inherently low isolation into a tablet or a smartphone. In the traditional design flow the simultaneous matching of all antennas requires many design iterations. The matching circuits must not only provide low insertion loss for each antenna, but also to enhance the antenna-to-antenna isolation.

The Optenni Solution

Optenni Lab’s multiport matching gives the optimized solution for the multiple matching networks in one shot, and it’s automatic creation of multiple topologies is very helpful in choosing the most promising matching circuit candidates. Optenni Lab’s matching circuit synthesis is very efficient, using multiple cores of the PC for parallel processing of topologies. The tool is also easy to use: there is no need for deep circuit simulation knowledge, and the synthesis uses real vendor component libraries, which is a big plus.

Moreover, Optenni Lab’s links to CST Studio Suite and NI AWR Microwave Office simplify the overall design flow. Optenni’s support and technical documentation are very valuable additional resources.

“Matching network design for antennas is a slow and iterative process. Optenni Lab creates automatically several topologies and speeds up the design process considerably. The tool is also very easy to use and does not require a special RF knowledge.”

Dr. Sami Hienonen, Technology Manager, Convergentia

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