Matching Circuit Synthesis

Automatic matching circuit synthesis is the core functionality of Optenni Lab. You only need to specify the impedance to be matched, the target frequency bands and number of components. Optenni Lab takes care of the rest and synthesizes optimal matching circuits for the setup.

In a matter of seconds, Optenni Lab produces multiple optimized matching circuits for broadband, multiband or tunable matching problems. Optenni Lab can also synthesize and optimize multiple matching circuits for coupled multiantenna systems.

In a matter of seconds, Optenni Lab produces multiple optimized matching circuits for broadband, multiband or tunable matching problems. Optenni Lab can also synthesize and optimize multiple matching circuits for coupled multiantenna systems. The synthesis capabilities include:

  • automatic determination of the optimal number of required matching components
  • more than 100 component series from top vendors to choose from
  • tolerance analysis with design sensitivity ranking
  • synthesis using full EM-simulated layout model
  • generic “black box” synthesis blocks to be used in a long RF chain
  • lumped, microstrip or hybrid matching circuits
  • synthesis blocks inside subcircuits to enforce symmetry
  • optimization for multiple impedance environments or variants in one go
  • simultaneous matching of coupled antenna systems
  • matching circuit synthesis to optimize antenna array´s total system efficiency

Optenni Lab’s design automation brings enormous advantages for the designer, as the design task would otherwise require repetive manual setups for potentially hundreds of design candidates. Optenni Lab thus speeds up the designer’s work and allow to designer to concentrate on the overall design goals.

Specifying the operation frequencies of your wireless product is easy as Optenni Lab maintains a database of the frequencies of the most commonly used wireless systems, such as the 3G, 4G and 5G cellular networks.