Multiport antenna matching

Optenni Lab optimizes the total efficiency of multiport antenna systems by simultaneous synthesis and optimization of the matching circuits at all antenna ports. Our multiport capabilities support an arbitrary number of antenna ports.

The simultaneous multiport matching is much more complex problem than the single port matching, especially if there is high coupling between the ports of the unmatched system. The challenge emerges mainly from two issues: first, the problem dimension is high because the ports cannot be treated separately; second, the number of candidate topologies increases exponentially with the number of ports. Optenni Lab employs parallelized optimization methods and efficient preselection of most promising topologies to significantly reduce the solution time.

Optenni Lab Professional Edition offers a versatile toolbox for the fast an accurate optimization of the performance of multiport antenna systems. In the analysis, the coupling and isolation between the antenna elements are taken into account. In addition, the dependence of radiation efficiency on the port matching and termination can be accurately modeled without the need of additional electromagnetic simulations.

The normal optimization goal is to maximize the total efficiency of the antenna system, when assuming that the different antennas are excited one at the time. However, the capabilities of the separately licensed Array module allow the optimization of the antenna characteristics (system efficiency, beam shape) when multiple antenna ports are excited simultaneously.

Using Optenni Lab’s versatile schematic entry environment, complex matching and feeding topologies, where a single port can feed several antenna elements, can be easily analyzed and optimized. This environment can also analyze cases, where complex layouts of matching components and switches need to be taken into account.


Optenni Lab can synthesize matching circuits for challenging coupled multiantenna systems, where the matching of all antenna ports must be optimized simultaneously.


The typical optimization goal for multiantenna design is the maximization of the efficiencies, when feeding any of the ports. Optenni Lab can quickly show the sensitivity of the solution with respect to the component tolerances.

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In a typical multiantenna matching problem, you just need to specify the operation bands for each of the ports and the number of matching components to be synthesized.

Here is an example of generated matching circuits from the previous multiantenna setup.

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